Today SEO Episode On
What's Really A Quality Backlink To Google and People.
Ïn this episode, I'll not talk about in detail about PBNs (Private Blog Network) rather I will show the ways in the eyes of google and People.
Ïn this episode, I'll not talk about in detail about PBNs (Private Blog Network) rather I will show the ways in the eyes of google and People.
It's really important concepts because if you don't get it, perhaps your site may not rank.
1. Quality Backlink To People:
What did I say the PEOPLE? Who are these people? These people are the people who offer you services on Fiverr, in different groups to sell backlinks and offer guest posts.
People get impressed because they have domains of DA of 50 and PA of 48, and you are really impressed. WOW! If I get a backlink from this domain, my keyword will not only rank to the top of Google, rather to the top of my laptop screen
Note: I am not againt them, you will find many amazing blogs too, but don't 100% dependent on DA PA and other metrics that are not associated with Google
What the heck you want to tell?
Relax! I want to say that DA PA is the metric of Moz, not Google. Moz is a separate company and Google is a separate company. Many people say Google has accepted the standard of Moz, really? A big NO!
Why Google needs the engineers of Moz? Google is a 500+ billion dollar company (estimated) and it has more than 200 companies were all companies work under Alphapets even Google. Whereas Moz is only a 50 to 100 million dollars company as compared to Google that is 5000 million dollar company.
Let's come to the net part. Google has indexed about 12 trillion links since 1998 where Moz has only 1 trillion since 2004.
Concepts clear? Don't take DA PA as if it were a universal rule. Even you will see many blogs that have zero DA PA but they are getting handsome visitors.
People increase DA PA by making backlinks on sites that have already some DA PA because some link juice is passed. If you want to give guest posts service, and you are increasing just to attract customers, then it is your choice.
To some people, a quality backlink is the one that has good Alexa ranking whereas it can easily be manipulated with some traffic tools so does Majestic.
Furthermore, Moz Index is updated once a month, you may need to wait for a month in order to see your results.
Quality Backlink To Google:
So, you know impressing your girlfriend is really problematic so does Google.
In this section, I will depict a deeper level.
Understand why Google loves a backlink from BBC? What is the reason behind that?
The major reason is trust as I said a few days ago, trust is the next generation ranking factor.
Google Says Backlink BBC Ny Diya Hai to Theak Hi Hoga! (If the backlink is given by BBC would be of authority).
The more you build trust, the more power it will have.
You might be thinking how to build trust? It depends on a lot of factors! But the major factor is getting quality traffic (the traffic visitors come and stay for a longer time because the amazing content is provided what the users want to read, READ BBC FUTURE, I love such articles)
So how you can get the idea of the domain? You can use Similarweb for an idea how a site is getting traffic. The more it has traffic, it means the more quality it has as it doesn't matter how much it has DA PA.
Note: SimilarWeb can integrate with GA to show the real traffic.
Because Moz Spider is extremely slow as it's updated a month. Traffic matters. The most important thing people click on your backlink that must be the target. Because big sites make such an anchor text that makes appealing to click. Read my Episode 21 and 22 on "Understand the Psychology Behind Making an Anchor Text - The Core of SEO" that I wrote a year ago in at
I can write a lot to prove this, but I think you have understood what I want to say.